Elevate your Brand! Your Product, Our Eye-Catching Cartons!
In today’s crowded, competitive global market, your box manufacturer PRINTEX TRANSPARENT PACKAGING is your clear advantage.
We understand that packaging trends are continuously evolving. PRINTEX TRANSPARENT PACKAGING has always strived to maintain the most innovative, high-quality, sustainable packaging solutions available. Not only must your packaging be structurally sound and able to secure your product from manufacturing to market, but it must also stand out on a shelf and cut through the clutter while visually enhancing your brand’s image. Sometimes, your vision requires packaging that can sell your product at the point of purchase or be used as a display. You need to be able to trust your packaging supplier to manufacture and deliver quality, functional, and eye-catching clear folding boxes, window cartons, and paperboard folding boxes. PRINTEX TRANSPARENT PACKAGING has a team of skilled professionals who will assist you every step of the way from concept and design to final delivery.
You need your packaging when you need it!
Printex Transparent Packaging stocks thousands of sheets of clear PET, HDPE and other substrates to give you the fastest turnaround in the industry for your clear folding boxes, clear set box lids, window boxes and more.
In an ever-changing market, staying ahead requires constant innovation. At PRINTEX TRANSPARENT PACKAGING we invest in cutting-edge technology and industry expertise to bring you packaging solutions that not only meet but exceed your expectations, whether it be in a clear plastic folding carton, window box, or SBS carton.
At PRINTEX TRANSPARENT PACKAGING we understand that business relationships work best in an environment of open communication and that each client and their packaging needs are unique. From concept to delivery, your project will be supervised by a service professional who understands your brand and vision, who will give you personalized support, and who will keep you updated on the progress of your project and be your point of contact for a long-lasting partnership!
PRINTEX TRANSPARENT PACKAGING has risen to become the industry leader. We have produced millions of packages for some of the world’s most valuable brands. Explore what our experience can do for your company.
Our History:
We have two great histories that make for one stellar marketing solution.
In 1979, Printex Packaging started manufacturing some of the most innovative, successful packaging in the country. Based in Islandia, N.Y., Printex Packaging used state-of-the-art technology and techniques to create plastic packaging with uncommon visual appeal. Over the years Printex became known as an expert in offering packages that drive sales. Their clear plastic packaging, transparent plastic packaging, and plastic clear boxes incorporated the latest in technology with exciting, stunning packaging designs. Their reputation secured them contracts to produce packaging for some of the most famous brands in the world, including L’Oreal, Procter and Gamble, and Unilever. Millions of products leap off shelves because of innovations introduced by PRINTEX PACKAGING.
Transparent Packaging began life as a union of three already respected packaging companies: Transparent Packaging Inc., Sicht Pack and Look Packaging. The combined experience of these three companies allowed Transparent Packaging to expand and develop packaging that defines the field. Transparent Packaging proved to be resourceful in its manufacturing processes. The company created innovations in a variety of areas: clear folding cartons and sleeves, point of purchase gravity feeders, backlit signs, clear extension tubes, and more.
Transparent Packaging designed packages for cosmetics, cell phones, electronics, specialty foods, and liquor.
In 2015, PRINTEX PACKAGING and TRANSPARENT PACKAGING joined forces to become the largest clear folding box manufacturer in NORTH AMERICA: PRINTEX TRANSPARENT PACKAGING. With decades of experience in offering brands cutting-edge packaging options, we can take on any challenge, produce and deliver stunning results that achieve the packaging goals you set. Now, when you need clear folding box packaging and package design or are considering clear lids for set boxes or clear plastic P.O.P. displays, come to us.
Making An Impact:

Printex Transparent Packaging Earns the Ecovadis Silver Medal for Sustainability Performance.
Printex Transparent Packaging recently completed a comprehensive evaluation of our sustainability practices with EcoVadis, a global standard for Sustainability Performance.
We earned a Silver Medal, which places us in the 89th percentile in our market. The EcoVadis process validates our sustainability commitments, practices, and performance, and offers a clear roadmap for how we can continue to increase our impact over time.
Manufacturer of Food Packaging Certificate:

Printex Transparent Packaging has earned the Safe Quality Food (SQF) Manufacture of Food Packaging certification, recognized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The SQF certification builds on PTP’s existing food safety credential — GMP (Good Manufacturing Process) certification. Printex Transparent Packaging is committed to rigorous continuous improvement. Having a supplier that produces products to meet food safety standards recognized in the industry is important in today’s packaging world. Retailers, brand owners, and food service providers need assurance that the food packaging materials they buy have been produced under the guidance of a food safety management program. Using an SQF-certified supplier like Printex Transparent Packaging, which also sources and manufactures domestically, assures the customer that their very highest standards are being met.